How to teach your kid to read?

Is your child having difficulty reading? Are they having complications focusing and pronouncing words? or Does laziness overcome your child when it’s time to read? This is a common dilemma, many children have this same problem. Some children who are going to school are having difficulty reading and comprehending what words mean. This causes the child to misunderstand what they are reading and fall behind with grades.

Your child must learn how to read, it is a very essential skill that they will need for the rest of their lives. It can be difficult to find ways to make your child want to learn how to read, but it is possible. You as a parent need to sit down with your child and inform them that reading is a part of everyday life. Let them know how important it is to read everything around them for example ingredients, directions, maps, and safety instructions. There are so many things we need to be aware of and knowing how to read helps a ton. If your child does not want to learn how to read then they will struggle their entire time in school and with life in general.

I can personally say that reading was difficult for me while I was in school. Growing up I honestly hated reading books, I was not focused or interested at all, I was only interested in playing with toys and being outside. I’m not saying playing with toys and being outside is a bad thing. I didn’t have the right understanding as a kid of how much this could affect me later on. Eventually, I struggled throughout school, so with my overall experience of not reading every day…let’s just say I learned my lesson! Now that I have my children, I do have the passion to teach them how to read!

Keep reading if you want to find out how I got my child to read at the age of 2-3 years old!

Not all children are the same and learning how to read can be a challenge. Reading can be really fun but boring for some kids. Some children have trouble focusing, this can cause children to get agitated and give up quickly. If you are willing to help your child and put time into reading with them and be patient then they will eventually progress.


Benefits of reading for children:

  • Builds vocabulary
  • Enhances reading fluency
  • Fosters a love for learning
  • Introduces new information
  • Provides opportunities for bonding

These are only some of the benefits, but there are many more.


Importance of knowing how to read

Reading is a very powerful skill. Just think about all the things we need to be able to read on a daily basis. For example, we need to be able to read: labels on food and medicine, directions, instructions, newspapers, emails, text messages the list goes on and on. Teaching your child how to read is one of the most important things you can do for them. It’s a skill that they will use every day and it will benefit them their entire life.


How to make reading fun for kids

Reading sounds boring, there are ways to make reading more interesting so that kids can be curious about the story. Try different voices for each character, and make the scene more exciting by changing the tone of your voice. Use puppets as characters when storytelling. Let your child hold the book and flip through pages and you tell them what things are. Show them how much fun reading can be!


Tips on how to make reading fun for kids:

  • Find a quiet place for them to read
  • Start with easy books and gradually move on to harder ones
  • Encourage them to read out loud
  • Makeup stories together
  • Ask them questions about the book as they’re reading
  • Visit the library often

These are only some of the tips, but there are many more.


Why does my child struggle to read?

Seeing your child struggle to read can be a big problem. If your child is struggling to read it may be that they do not know how to pronounce or define what a word means. Some kids catch on quickly, and for others, it takes a little longer. If your child is struggling to read, don’t give up! There are ways to help them. You can try different methods until you find one that works best for your child. The most important thing is to be patient and keep trying. Take it slow if your child has to learn at a slower pace that’s ok!


How can I tell if my child is having difficulty reading?

If your child is struggling to read, you may notice them having trouble with some of the following:

  • They can’t recognize or name all the letters of the alphabet
  • They can’t connect sounds with letters
  • They have difficulty sounding out words
  • They mix up similar-looking words


How to improve reading skills?: Methods on How to teach your kid to read

How to improve the reading skills of a child? There are reading methods that you can practice with your child at home to help them become a better reader.

First method: is to break words down into smaller chunks. This will help your child sound out words and eventually be able to read them on their own. Start with simple words and then move on to harder ones.

Second method: is to use picture books. Picture books are great because they help your child associate words with images. This will help them remember what the word means and be able to read it on their own.

Third method: is to use flashcards. Flashcards are a great way to help your child learn new words. You can start with simple words and then move on to harder ones.

Fourth method: is to have your child read aloud. This will help them practice reading out loud and improve their pronunciation.

Fifth method: is to use rhyming games. Rhyming games are a great way to help your child learn new words. They can also help with memory and recall.

These are only some of the methods, but there are many more. Find the one that works best for your child and stick with it. The most important thing is to be patient and keep trying.


What are foundation skills?

Foundational skills are the basic skills that your child needs to be able to read. Knowing how to read is the gold mine for having success in the future. As a parent, you need to sit down with your child and explain to them the importance of learning how to read. Without these skills, your child will struggle to read. That’s why it’s so important to start teaching them early. Having your child understand the topic of what they are reading is a huge accomplishment. Here are the skills that you need to be aware of during reading time.

Reading skills:

  • Phonemic awareness.
  • Phonics
  • Vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Fluency


How to teach your child to read at a young age?

Motivating your child to read sounds hard!, but In reality, it’s a bit easier when they are small. Let me tell you how I encouraged and motivated my child to read at the age of 2-3 years. As soon as my first child started to talk I did what every other normal parent would do! I allowed him to watch nursery rhymes and sing-alongs on tv. Not for long hours of course. The shows helped him memorize songs and when I would sing to him during bedtime he would sing along with me. I also spent time with my child after work, I started teaching my child the basics which were ABCs, Numbers, Shapes, and Colors which he mastered at 2 years old. When I noticed he was able to memorize and pronounce things more clearly that’s when I stared making flash cards.

I started showing my kiddo one letter sight words and then moved on to two-letter sight words on flashcards for example in, to, me, is, and when he memorized those then I moved on to three-letter sight words, for example, she, and, ate, and he began to memorize them little by little. At the age of two, he was able to read, recognize, and sound out about 50 sight words and after he started reading small books at the age of three.

I am honestly grateful I had the opportunity to spend at least 15 minutes with him every night! I made it a priority and I did this while working a 9-5 job! All I did was put time into him 15 to 30 minutes max and he is now exceeding expectations for school. I will continue this method with my other children, I hope my experience will motivate you to teach your child to read at a young age!

Important Tips:

  • Learn and memorize the Alphabet 
  • Learn and memorize the Sounds of each letter
  • Visually show your child the sight word and have them repeat after you, until they recognize the word and can repeat it themselves.


More Reading tips for young children:

  • Start them off early: The earlier you start teaching your child how to read the better. Children must learn while they are young so their brain can develop correctly.


  • Spend 15-30 minutes: Every night set some time aside to read with your child. This will help them immensely!


  • Be consistent: Try not to miss a day or else they will forget what they learned.


  • Have fun: Make sure while you are reading that your child is having fun. If they are not interested then they will not want to learn.


  • Don’t be strict: If your child makes a mistake then don’t get mad at them, just explain to them what they did wrong and try again.


  • Practice makes perfect: pronouncing and memorizing words will take time and effort. Just keep practicing with them and eventually, they will get it.


Why Reading to kids is important?

Reading to your kids has many benefits. It helps with their education, social life, and even their mental health!

Some benefits of reading to your kids are:

  • Better bonding experience between parent and child
  • Better communication skills
  • Increased imagination
  • Foundation for academic excellence
  • Understanding how a book is read
  • Stronger basic speech skills
  • Exposure to new experiences
  • Mastery of language
  • Sharper logic thinking skills
  • Enhanced concentration and discipline
  • The knowledge that reading is fun


Reading for Babies

You can start reading to your baby as soon as they are born! It is never too early to start reading to your child. Start by reading simple books with lots of pictures. As they get older, you can start reading more complicated books with fewer pictures. Reading to your baby will help them bond with you and it will also help them develop their language skills.

Here are some tips for reading to babies:

  • Start with simple board books with lots of pictures
  • Read slowly and use different tones
  • Point to the pictures as you’re reading
  • Make it interactive by asking your baby questions about the book

Handing the book to your baby and allowing them to flip pages also makes them interact with the book, Have fun!


The best type of books for babies

Babies are a bundle of energy as soon as they can grab things they immediately reach for the object and put it straight into their mouth. Books can wear and tear easily make sure you get a book appropriate for their age. Here are the type of book best for babies.

Reading for Toddlers

Reading for toddlers is a big game-changer in the way your child will develop mentally, socially, and emotionally. It helps them immensely in their education as well. You should start reading to your toddler as soon as you can, but if you didn’t don’t worry! You can still start reading to them now and they will still reap the benefits.

Here are some tips for reading to toddlers:

  • Read short stories that are interesting
  • Make the stories interactive by using voices and facial expressions
  • Point to the pictures as you’re reading
  • Ask your toddler questions about the book
  • Encourage your toddler to turn the pages
  • Make it a fun experience by acting silly and using different voices


The best type of books for toddlers

At this age, toddlers are very energetic and curious about everything. They want to touch and feel everything. It is important to find books that they can interact with. Toddlers’ flipbooks go back and forth from page to page and want to show you all the pictures. Here are the type of books best for toddlers.


Reading for Preschoolers

As a preschooler, your child is beginning to understand that letters on a page make up words. It is important that your preschooler is able to recognize and pronounce words correctly. Reading to your preschooler will help them with their literacy skills and it will also prepare them for school.

Here are some tips for reading to preschoolers:

  • Read stories that are interesting and age-appropriate
  • Point to the words as you’re reading
  • Encourage your child to trace their finger under the words as they read
  • Have your child read the story back to you after you’ve finished reading it
  • Read slowly and use different voices for different characters
  • Make it a fun experience by acting silly and using different voices


The best type of books for Pre-Schoolers

Pre-schoolers are very active and love to explore. It is important that the books you choose for them are engaging and interactive. Pre-schoolers love to read to adults and show them pictures. Here are some ideas of the best type of books for preschoolers.


Reading for kids

Reading for kids is the time when their imaginations really start to take off. They are now understanding that stories can be make-believe and they can transport them into new worlds. Teach your child that books are a way to enter new worlds of fun and wonder, it is important to keep reading to your kids so their imaginations can continue to grow.

Here are some tips for reading to kids:

  • Read stories that are interesting and age-appropriate
  • Make the stories interactive by using voices and facial expressions
  • Encourage your child to use their imagination
  • Ask your child questions about the book
  • Have your child read the story back to you after you’ve finished reading it
  • Make it a fun experience by acting silly and using different voices

Reading is such an important part of a child’s development. It helps with their education, social life, and even their mental health!


The best type of books for kids

At this age, kids are starting to understand the concept of stories. They love books that are interactive and engaging. Kids love to read books that are fun and make them laugh. Here are some ideas of the best type of books for kids.


Reading Genres

Genres are types of reading. There are many different genres, and each has its unique features. Everyone has their preferred genres of books they like to read. It is important to expose your child to a variety of genres so they can find the ones they enjoy the most. Here are some examples of different genres:

  • Fiction
  • Nonfiction
  • Realistic Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Traditional Literature (Fairy tales / Folk tales)
  • Mystery
  • Informational
  • Biography
  • Autobiography
  • Poetry
  • Alphabet books
  • Songbooks

Ask your child which books are their favorite, it gives you an idea of what type of books they’re interested in!


Reading Strategies

As your child starts reading more, they will develop their own strategies for comprehending the text. It is important to encourage your child to use different strategies to help them understand the books they’re reading.

Some common reading strategies are:

Predict– determine what you think will happen in the text. Use the title, text and illustrations to help.

Visualize– Create mental images of the characters, settings, and events in the text.

Questions-Stop and ask yourself questions to see if the text makes sense. Reread the text if you need more information.

Connect-Think about what you already know. Find ways to relate to the text yourself and the world around you.

Identify-Determine the author’s purpose, and find the important details and the main idea.

Infer-Use clues in the text and your knowledge to fill in the blanks to think of a conclusion

Evaluate-Regroup the texts as a whole and form opinions of what you read.

These are just a few examples of different reading strategies, there are many more out there! The best way to find out which strategies work best for your child is to let them experiment and find the ones that work best for them.


What are some easy books for kids to read?

There are tons of easy books for kids to read! Some great options include:


A Fun Reading Environment

A fun reading environment is important for a child’s development. It should be a safe place where they can explore new things and be themselves.

Here are some tips to create a fun reading environment:

  • Make sure there are plenty of books around
  • Encourage your child to pick out their own books
  • Read together as a family
  • Create a cozy reading spot with pillows, blankets, and soft lighting
  • Make it fun by using different voices and acting silly
  • Let your child see you reading for enjoyment

The most important thing is to make sure your child enjoys reading! If they don’t enjoy it, they’re not going to want to do it. Find what works best for them and go from there. Reading should be a fun experience for


Here are some other tips and tricks on how you can teach your kid to read:

The first step is encouraging your child. However, there are things that you can do at home to help your child read better. Interacting with children is one of the best ways to grab their attention, they want to be a part of the subject, a part of the fun!

Here are some tips on how to improve your child’s reading skills:

  • Try to make it a habit to read with them for at least 30 minutes every day
  • Sing songs and Nursery Rhymes
  • Create word cards
  • Word games
  • Hang Posters, Charts, Pictures, Symbols
  • Spell out words with magnets
  • Flashcards
  • Memory word games
  • Reading Programs for kids
  • Reading games

There are tons of ways to get your child to read. You just need effort and some time aside to help your child improve with reading.



What age should a child be able to read?

A child should be able to start reading and recognizing words at the age of 2-5 years. However, every child is different. Some may start a little earlier or later than others.


How can I get my kid to read more?

The best way to get your kid to read more is to make it fun for them! Try incorporating some of their favorite activities into reading time. For example, if they like playing with cars, try playing reading games that include cars. One great idea would be to create stop signs that your child drives to and practice reading those words at each traffic stop.

Can you teach a 3-year-old to read?

Yes, you can teach a three-year-old to read its never too early to start teaching your child to read the earlier you start the better it is for their future. Start with teaching them sight words and work their way up to books.


Can a 4-year-old teach themselves to read?

Some 4-year-olds may be able to teach themselves to read if they’re exposed to a lot of reading material. However, most 4-year-olds will need some help from adults in order to learn how to read.


How do I know if my child is reading at grade level?

There are a few ways to tell if your child is reading at grade level. One way is to ask their teacher how they’re doing in school. Another way is to administer a test such as the DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment). This assessment will give you a better idea of how your child is progressing and what level they should be reading in.


I hope you enjoyed reading this article on how to teach your kid to read. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below. Also, if you have any tips or tricks on teaching reading please share those as well!